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Emergency preparedness makes a difference

National Public Safety Emergency Preparedness Week was May 2-8, 2021. Studies show that communities that are prepared for an emergency or disaster (like an extreme weather event), are better able to respond and recover when one happens. Personal preparedness helps build overall community resiliency.  Here are some community resources to help you and your relatives be ready if there’s an emergency or disaster:

  • The City of Winnipeg is offering new Ready Winnipeg courses online. The courses provide practical information about how people can prepare for an emergency, the main types of hazards facing Winnipeggers, and how the City responds to an emergency or disaster. Individuals can sign up for the public courses, or you can contact to coordinate a dedicated course for a community group or classroom.
  • The City has also launched a new emergency preparedness website with a focus on more detailed, practical information for residents about what they can do to prepare for an emergency. It can be found at Emergency preparedness – City of Winnipeg