New SA & IPV Crisis Response Program Launches in Manitoba
JANUARY 16, 2024 – Together, Ka Ni Kanichihk, Klinic Community Health, and the Province of Manitoba have launched the Sexual Assault & Intimate Partner Violence Crisis Response Program.
Manitobans aged 14 and older can now access medical care from a trauma-informed forensic nurse following an experience of sexual assault or intimate partner violence at Ka Ni Kanichihk (18 and older) and Klinic, in addition to the organizations’ wrap-around care and support services.
The program, which was designed in consultation with a community of survivors and service providers, aims to remove barriers that prevent Survivors from accessing physical, cultural, mental, and emotional care. We are incredibly grateful to deliver services to people who need it most in a way that is:
- Survivor-centred
- Community-based
- Trauma-informed
- Holistic
We were joined by the Minister of Families, Accessibility, and Women & Gender Equity Nahanni Fontaine and the Minister of Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care Uzoma Asagwara for the press conference, held at Klinic Community Health at 167 Sherbrook.
The SA & IPV Crisis Response Program is available at:
Ka Ni Kanichihk:
Call 204-594-6500 or visit the Mino Pimatisiwin Sexual Wellness Lodge at 102-765 Main St during program hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
Klinic Community Health:
Call 204-784-4090 (Klinic’s front desk) or visit 167 Sherbrook St during program hours (Mondays to Thursdays 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Fridays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
The Health Sciences Centre’s SA/IPV program remains open 24/7. There is no wrong door to access care.
To read the news release and watch the conference from the SA & IPV Crisis Response Program’s launch, visit the link here.