Program Overview

The Manitoba FASD Strategy consultations revealed a need for Indigenous-led initiatives, and Ka Ni Kanichihk has led the way in the development of their FASD training. This FASD training is an Indigenous-led training designed for service providers and helpers who may be working with Indigenous peoples and communities, particularly those who are part of the FASD community. Training participants will complete a self-paced virtual webinar that covers introductory and contextual information related to FASD; these are essential seeds sown that will grow throughout the training experience. The one-day in-person 8-hour training session includes guided personal reflection and consideration for practical implementation in service provider’s unique roles. Service providers will also learn about anti-oppression in practice, and the unique relationship between Indigenous people, trauma, and alcohol, as well as Indigenous resilience and ways of doing, to provide respectful and responsive care. Participants can expect to learn and engage through presentations, group work, and experiential exercises. The approaches of the two-day training are both trauma and culturally-informed and our goal is to create a safer space to come into awareness of individual approaches to the work service providers do. The completion of the self-paced virtual webinar is required for the in-person training participation. 

Learning Objectives:

Day one: Self-paced webinar 

  • Understanding FASD in a two-eyed seeing approach
  • The societal culture of alcohol 
  • Contextual factors 
  • FASD knowledge translation into practice 

Day Two: In-person

  • To understand and reflect on the relationship between alcohol, trauma and FASD for Indigenous Peoples
  • Reinforce that FASD is a societal issue and discover roles and responsibilities. 
  • An invitation for service providers to acknowledge the harm in the systems they work in and understand moral courage to decolonize their approaches.

FASD Service Provider Training

For More Information:
Contact for registration information.

A password will be sent to you once registration is confirmed to access the password-protected Training page.