Cedar Bath Ceremony Kits – another way to care for yourself
As a part of virtual programming, the Manitoba Youth Transitional Employment and Mentorship (M.Y.T.E.A.M) program delivered Cedar Bath ceremony kits to participants’ homes. The amazing MYTEAM program provides support and mentorship to youth who are in the care of Child and Family Services.
The Cedar Bath ceremony kits are prepared by traditional knowledge keeper, Natasha Turner, and each one contains cedar, sage, a small eagle feather, and instructions on how to prepare your individualized cedar bath. Natasha explains that the cedar bath ceremony is a cleansing event that can wash away negative energy and remove toxins from unhealthy food, cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol.
MYTEAM participants who chose to take the cedar bath ceremony were instructed to prepare a soothing bath in the privacy of their household, unwrap the cedar that was carefully bundled in cloth, and place the medicine in the water. They were then instructed to simply spend some time in the bath relaxing, enjoying the alone time noticing any thoughts or feelings that came to them. People could also connect with Natasha if they wanted to share any emotions, thoughts or images that came to them, or to share any spiritual guidance they received in the ceremony.
Along with ongoing mentorship, the take-home Cedar Bath ceremony kit is one way MYTEAM program staff have been able to stay connected with youth and support them through their challenges.
To find out more about Ka Ni Kanichihk programs and services and their impact on our community, please visit kanikanichihk.ca/programs
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